Seven City Sisters - Harbor of the Immaculate Harlots
Mission Order of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence
Monthly Meeting
Sunday, September 8, 2024 @ 12:00 PM (EDT)
LGBT Life Center
5360 Robin Hood Rd, Norfolk, VA 23513
- Sister Ivana Balls O’Plenty (John Hughes)
Vice President/Mistress of Novices
- Sister Sacral Idgits DeMonica Influencia (Juan Carlos Estremera)
Secretary/Mistress of Communications
- Sister Cecilia Upton Noella Thompson (Jacob Dement)
Treasurer/Mistress of Coins
- Guard Ian Ada Galaxy (Tim Riggs)
Board Member at Large
- Sister Cain Tuckee (Faeryn Riggs)
Mistress of Sistory
- Sister Cecilia Upton Noella Thompson
Mistress of Cosmetics and Habits
- Sister Sacral Idgits DeMonica Influencia
Mistress of the Rising
- Sister Gloria Holes
- Bubba Rose
- Errol King Venezuellaa (first meeting)
- Kim Boocha
- April Ham Linkin
Voting Members (Senior/Founding Members):
- Sister Sacral Idgits DeMonica Influencia
- Sister Cain Tuckee
- Guard Ian Ada Galaxy
- Sister Tina Bortions (Virtual)
- Sister Ivana Balls’o’Plenty (Virtual)
Junior Novice (Probationary Member):
- Sister/Guard/Pup Raiz Her Spikes
- Sister Cecilia Upton Noella Thompson
- Father Hell-hound
- Brother Hal Naw Just Us
- Veronica Bradley
Quorum: 5/9 (Quorum met and verified by Guard Ian)
Co-Mom/Mentor Updates
Sister Cecilia - 5 consecutive months of missing meetings, 4 months of no participation. Is everything OK? Sister Ivana wants to table discussion for private session.
P&Ps. Haven’t had the chance to go over notes yet. Kim Boocha to check with Ken Tagious to ask about sending out his notes. Guard Ian to post his notes from the meeting as well. Once revisions are made, to go over remaining notes with Co-Moms/Mentors
Old Business
August Minutes
2024-08-04 - Monthly Meeting Moved Bubba Rose from Guests to Aspirants. No further additions or corrections; minutes stand approved as amended.
April Minutes
Guard Ian to listen to Sister Ivana’s OtterAI recording to re-create April meeting minutes.
New Business
Officer Reports
Sister Ivana got logged out of slack. Playing Catch up. Making effort to be more active on Slack.
Bubba Rose met requirements as an aspirant with today’s meeting. To send out anonymous poll prior to next meeting. Anam can vote for this.
Sister/Guard/Pup Raiz Her Spikes Has met requirements for probationary period to to elevate to Founding Member. To send out anonymous poll prior to next meeting.
Errol: First meeting Juan spoke with him attending 2 meetings, and 2 manifestations to be eligible for
$170 annual charge for Quickbooks due 10/7/2024. People can donate towards this on the website through Zeffy
Guard Ian: Motion to approve charge once funds are available. Passed unanimously.
Not present
Committee Reports:
No report
No report
08/10/2024 - Knight Hawks at MJs, Food Drive Planning SIDMI, Bubba Rose, Brother Hal Naw Just Us, Guard Ian Ada Galaxy, Sister Cain Tuckee
08/17/2024 - Kink B-day Party in Smithfield SIDMI
09/05/2024 - Sin City Sisters, Las Vegas, Bi-monthly Meeting Sister SIDMI joined virtually
09/05/2024 - Cutting Ceremony for the new LGBT Life Center in Hampton Sister SIDMI Councilman Chris Bowman, Councilman Billy Hobbs, and Mayor Donnie Tuck, Councilwoman Hope Harper, Delegate Marcia Price and Representative Bobby Scott
09/07/2024 - Fundraiser for Virginia Queer Film Festival Sister SIDMI, Sister/Guard/Pup Raiz Her Spikes
Upcoming Events
Virginia Queer Film Festival, Sept 20-22 Sisters are tentatively invited, may or may not be comped, or out of pocket expense
Sister Felix tentatively invited SCS invited to World Pride, in DC for 2025 Tina went to World Pride in 2018 in NYC, 4.5 Million People there. DC Pride - $800 for two people
Sin City Sisters had a “Nunway” $35 General Admission and VIP got in first The 757 has lots artists, could have artists make “living artwork”, using sisters as models
Novice Projects
Sister Gloria - Logo Design - Completed:
Sister Gloria with help of Guard Ian (Completed - need to post on website)
Guard Ian Ada Galaxy - Website - Completed:
Guard Ian with help of Sister Sacral (Completed - need to post on website)
Tina has info on NARCAN/Opioid training. LGBT life center having a workshop on 8/9 Sister SIDMI to task if Tina wants to head that up
Sister Sacral - Planning:
Spoke with Ken Tagious, sounds better as two separate projects.
Sister SIDMI’s part: Interview with various sisters, video interview - learning how to do makeup for individual sisters. Planning to interview, April, Sister Gloria, and Kim Boocha Guard Ian can help with some of the video editing if needed
Part for someone else: To bring up in the P&P committee (SPARKLE), Seven Sirens/Tenants
Sister Gloria - Planning:
First 757 Drag Queen Roast Partner with HR Unity
Father Hell-Hound
Getting back into School, things are going to be slow. Thinking about doing clothing drive for the homeless. SIDMI to provide resources, including the VA, LGBT Life Center, TAP
Sister/Guard/Pup Raiz Her Spikes:
Food Drive, Working with Knight Hawks, to collect in all of the Seven Cities Brother Hal Naw Just Us willing to help
Household necessities, could be another good project LGBT life center, Lamia house, etc
Play-fair kit. Condom, trial thing of lube, instructions, mints, etc. Leaflet, plastic baggies, and candy. Simple project for someone to take on.
Open Discussion:
SIDMI and Ian to Review checklist before next meeting for Fully Professed House
Nunway - Like Las Vegas. No winner. But could have local artists use nuns and drag queens as a canvas for their display. Advertise winner on website. Tickets - pricing Who is the beneficiary? Vegas, all proceeds are going to Sisters fundraiser organization - Vegas has an AIDS program (SADAP), provides PrEP, PEP, Doxy-PEP. Could do LGBT Life Center. Possible exequatur?
Private Discussion (Board)
(No notes available)
Next Meeting:
Sunday, October 13, 2024 at 12 PM (LGBT Life Center)
Action Items
- Guard Ian / Sister Sacral to review Mission Order Checklist to see what we need to do prior to elevation.
- Sister Sacral Idgits DeMonica Influencia - To Schedule meeting for Attire Committee.
- Sister Sacral Idgits DeMonica Infliencia - To Schedule meeting for P&P Committee.
- Guard Ian - To review April Meeting notes from Otter AI and try to re-create.